Bidding Adieu to My Gender: Straight Male Culture and Gender Indifference

Bidding Adieu to My Gender: Straight Male Culture and Gender Indifference

By Reed Shafer-Ray '18

The problem, of course, cannot be solved by simply increasing representation of diverse groups within every sector of society (while this obviously would be one important step). Fundamentally, people need to begin thinking about individuals as individuals, not just as members of some larger group. Only then could people be recognized for their merits, talents, and unique expression independent of comparisons to group stereotypes.

Utah and the Conservative Schism

Utah and the Conservative Schism

By Maggie Beazer '20

Though McMullin’s stint as presidential underdog is over, his relative third-party success has intriguing ramifications for the future of American politics... As the current Republican Party turns ever more radical, the more centrist “Utah Republican” voters that feel alienated could be swayed away from their traditional ticket – something for moderate Democrats to keep in mind as their party undergoes its own fragmentation.

The Missing Headline

The Missing Headline

By Nick Abbott '18

Throughout the 2016 campaign, Democrats lambasted their Republican colleagues for devoting time and taxpayer dollars to investigations and scandals instead of working on the issues that matter to the American people. Having lost the election, it seems many Democrats have found it best to adopt their opponents’ tactics, calling for resignations and special investigations into alleged misdeeds, rather than maintain a strictly “on the issues” focus.