Signing Off

By 194th Co-President Luke Albert ‘22

I write with the start of the Harvard College Democrats’ 195th Board. This organization has been a home for me since the first days I stepped on campus, and it was a truly great honor to serve as Co-President. I’m thrilled to be passing the baton to Alexandria King(‘24) and Claire Duncan(‘24), two proven leaders and my dear friends. With my departure, I’d like to briefly reflect on what we’ve achieved over the past year and give my thanks to what has been an incredible board.

2022 bore a massive election cycle. We endorsed more candidates than we ever have in our org’s history and contributed to victories across NH, MA, and the country. We can’t wait to work with, push, and see what amazing candidates like Maura Healey, John Fetterman, Maxwell Frost, and Summer Lee will do in office. We were proud to help win the fight for Questions 1 and 4, bringing a Fair Share and Mobility For All to Massachusetts.

We held our first in-person Lobby Day since 2019. We organized students back into the halls of Beacon Hill where we pressed legislators on key issues, building momentum for transformative bills, and winning more policy victories for our state.

In response to the Dobbs ruling, we organized student organizations on campus to call for expanding financial access to abortion care on campus. Through a productive meeting with HUHS, reform appears to be coming, and Harvard will ensure cost is a never a barrier to a student in need of essential healthcare.

We stood in solidarity with student and custodial workers demanding fair contracts. We coordinated with College Democratic chapters across MA to demand our Members of Congress do more to address the humanitarian crisis in Tigray.  We showed up for the Margaret Fuller House food pantry and Solutions At Work shelter when so many of our neighbors could use a hand. I could go on and on about the good and hard work we’ve achieved as a community and team. I’d like to thank and highlight the leaders who made this happen.

First, I couldn’t have asked for a better partner in this amazing journey, Isaac. Isaac and I complimented each other in all the best ways. His legislative and STEM background elevated our work and the internal and external operations of the org. We came to Dems from different angles and were able to lead it down one, incredible path. In Isaac, I found an amazing partner and even better friend. Keep your eyes out for this man in Oxford as we are so proud of him becoming a prestigious Rhodes Scholar!

Alexandria, I don’t even know where to begin. You know how proud of and excited I am for you. She took on a Herculean effort running our campaign work for 2022. She’s a light that shines everywhere she goes, a charismatic leader who uplifts those around her, and a political force of nature.

Claire, no one showed up week in and week out, doing all the dirty work, and keeping the org in order like you. She took on a role as Comms Director that we tried to preemptively shrink due to an impossible burden and high turnover. Instead, she grew it and has transformed the Harvard Dems. Claire is fun and focused, kind and creative. Simply, she’s a star in our org, on this campus, and in everything she’ll do.

Syd, I can’t begin to express how invaluable and impactful you’ve been for Dems and beyond. He’s Harvard’s quintessential political organizer supporting causes across labor, human rights, climate, and more. It’s virtually impossible to find his combination of political whit, conviction, dedication, and policy know-how. I can’t thank you enough for an amazing two year run.

Keeling, damn it’s been only two years?! You went from being this enterprising First Year who became my Dems Little to a dear friend and the guy who tackled all of the org’s biggest internal challenges behind the scenes with me. Keeling does it all as a steady and calming presence on Board for 2 years. He does this work for all the right reasons, wanting to help how he can. He displays what being a great leader is all about. I’m so damn proud of you and we 100% won the unofficial Big-Little contest of the past 2 years(Sorry Amelia and your many Littles).

Julian, calling you and asking you to join Board was one of the best decisions I made, not just in the first month, but the entire year. You came to this org already as a leader across groups on campus, and Dems is lucky to have you as one of our top leaders now. He did all the little things and answered my desperate call for help when no one else could. I can’t wait to see what you do as Legislative Director this year.

Nahla, Ellie, Caroline, and Jerry, first, I owe you each individual thanks but am unfortunately limited by words. Stepping into leadership as a First Year is a daring challenge. Yet, you all thrived, grew, and proved yourselves to be leaders for this org and for this campus. Seeing you all now makes me so damn proud :). I know each of you will do amazing work and build great legacies over the next three years and beyond. I’m grateful to be witness to it. I’ve always said that at the heart of Dems and what we do is community above all. You four have defined that community as much if not more so than any other group of people, and I thank you for making that once-19-now-23 year-old feel so at home in this org. I wish you all only the best.

This is a special group of young people who are bound to do great things. Keep an eye on them, *hire* them, and, if you’re as lucky as me, support them, uplift them, and watch them shine.

Oh man, I really could keep going and never stop, but my ink has run dry. Isaac and my term must end. The 195th Harvard Dems Board has arrived, and I’m home with my family. However, I’ll always have a home in the community the 10 of you and me built.

All the Dems Love,
Luke Albert